Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dealing With Rejection In Network Marketing Companies ...

Are You Tired Of Dealing With Rejection In Network Marketing Companies?

No matter how many network marketing companies a person joins one thing you can't avoid is rejection. If you want to achieve network marketing success then your gonna have to take risks because you never know what decision the other person is going to make. Rejection is really just a state of mind, if you think about it the circumstances are still the same after that person told you no.

Prior to you coming in contact with them they weren't working with you and after you contacted them you still aren't working together as business partners so you really haven't lost anything. You have to face rejection in a realistic way and realize that its not a big deal its all part of life and business as well.

What it does mean is that a client is just not ready to purchase whatever product you have to offer right now. So you must move on and don't sweat the small stuff. Many times your upline will tell you to look at your sales pitch or strategy when you really don't have to especially if your are selling some of your products and at the same time dealing with rejection in your network marketing opportunity.

The fact is your always gonna have a sales pitch that fails every once and a while that's part of doing business. So why scope out your strategy everytime a client denies purchasing something from you.

Let Go Of Your Pride

Many times its not the lost opportunity that sets us off, but its rather how we get offended from being given the cold shoulder. The more pride you have the harder it will be for you to deal with rejection. Instead it should only be a small obstacle over a lost network marketing opportunity. So you have to let go of your pride. Besides if there's any regretful feelings after being rejected, you definitely need to blow it under the rug and continue moving on.

Who's Next:

Moving forward is the next recommendation I can give to someone who has fallen short of their goals; nevertheless its always easier said than done. In the sales industry, you must understand that you have to keep it moving at all times and don't continue to waste time feeling regretful. Always praise your downline members for their accomplishments and keep in mind that rejection is part of the process. Besides you can't get to the big bucks without dealing with some form of rejection.

No matter what rejection you come across instead of taking it personal and beating yourself up about it you must consistently keep your mind on building your business and building relationships with others in order to meet your goals. Remember the rule of thumb out of every 10 people you talk to chances are only 2 will be willing to take some kind of action.

The mentors have mentioned that 80 percent of sales are closed after the fourth visit or follow-up by the sales and marketing person. So please don't be so easy to just give up on your network marketing system you have going for yourself.

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